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My favourite podcasts for a changed world

When it comes to Podcasts, what I consume depends on where I am and what I’m doing.


Learning from User Testing

It’s important that as much of the learning you get from this process is new, you want to be surprised by the results. You should hope to have a substantial list of previously unknown problems to fix by the end.


Don’t ‘Press Gang’ your crew

Be prepared to pick someone who experiences are less than ideal, but is willing to learn. Look for people you can work with even if their skills are not a perfect fit.


The Explorer Motivation

For years Columbus traveled throughout Europe pitching his idea. The knowledge he gained gave him certainty, and this fired his motivation.


Is the ‘User’ Always Right?

All design is subjective by its nature, it can be good or bad, it can be liked or disliked, but it is difficult to look at any design and say for certain that it's absolutely right or wrong.


Design is a beautiful compromise.

As Designers, we cannot simply create what we want. We must build a solution that considers the audience, the context, and the overall purpose.

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